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  • Top A/B testing Tools for Mobile Apps

    In the previous article, we walked through the top analytics tools for mobile. So now that you have all the relevant data about the users, are you ready to test out some ideas on how to optimize your app? As an app developer, you are probably looking for something that makes changes without writing the […]

  • Should I Believe SEO Specialist That Says it’s Impossible to Double my Organic Traffic in One Month?

    Is it feasible to double organic SEO traffic at Ecommerce websites and increase organic installs to your mobile apps in one month? To answer this question we should first have a better understanding of SEO background and Google ranking algorithms. It is no secret that modern SEO does help increase organic search traffic but what […]

  • How Effective is Facebook Advertising for Ecommerce Business

    With the ever-growing number of ecommerce advertising platforms, it’s crucial to know which of the online marketplaces have the highest return on investment, which have the highest engagement within your target audience, and which marketing purposes a given platform serves best. Each platform has its own merits and specifications which we have to be aware […]

  • 5 CRO Hacks for Special Occasion Dresses Store

    Selling special occasion dresses also means choosing a special conversion rate hacks for your website. Your ecommerce store is built for the top-notch customers who are looking for nothing but the best quality, products and services. Check out our top 5 CRO hacks to make your special occasion dresses ecommerce store look, feel and perform […]

  • CRO: Top 3 Best Practices for an Ecommerce Business

    CRO – The tool of the future Focusing on bringing the leads, KPI, increasing the daily, weekly and monthly amount of website visitors, we often forget what’s as important as engaging the new customers – making them stay. When we think about various conversion tools, it’s easier to picture the importance of the CRO described […]

  • 5 CRO Hacks for Development Companies

    Often websites of development companies have the same issue – when a potential customer enters a website they can’t understand what exactly this team develops. Yet our main goal is to get the most amount of target leads from the website. Therefore, to achieve this, we need to describe the services of the company in […]

  • How to Increase Conversion Rate at the Checkout Page

    As with any good action plan, it’s important to start with defining the problem. Our goal here is to increase the conversion rate of the checkout page, and the problem is: almost 70% of all shopping carts get abandoned. Why do potential buyers abandon their carts? Here are reasons compiled by the Baymard Institute: Based […]

  • 5 CRO Hacks for Beauty Stores

    Conversion Rate Optimization is a complex, comprehensive, and recurring process. It varies from industry to industry, and each given ecommerce business type has its own specific features and qualities to account for. And so does the beauty industry. So if you have a great ecommerce cosmetic store – buckle up, because right now we are […]

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