Conversion Rate Optimization

  • What Are Micro Conversions and How to Optimize Them

    On the way to generate revenues, we focus on what’s important to make conversions happen. The main and ultimate goal of any e-commerce is to boost sales, i.e. convert visitors into paying customers. However, this direct objective goes hand-in-hand with smaller goals or micro conversions. They are the actions that lead customers to a larger […]

  • Machine Learning and CRO

    Machine learning has now become so advanced that algorithms are able to predict how a user is likely to behave. This impacts many aspects of your digital strategy, but nowhere more so than conversion rate optimization (CRO). To understand how it is possible to use AI for CRO, you first need to know exactly what […]

  • Mobile Conversion Optimization

    There are some significant differences between mobile conversions and desktop conversions, beyond the type of device they take place on. For instance, mobile queries are usually seeking immediate, relevant information about a product, service, or business. In contrast, users on desktop and laptop computers are often browsing for information and may not have an immediate […]

  • The Inherent Value of the CRO Culture

    Creating a CRO mindset within your team leads to better decision making. Team members become more willing to quantify everything, which, in turn, means things become easy to measure and bottlenecks are more obvious. A CRO mindset also has a role to play in developing goals, measuring results, and, ultimately, changing your elements of your […]

  • How Can CRO Boost Your Business?

    Often, it is difficult to encourage team members to embrace new methodologies, but adopting conversion rate optimization (CRO) is certainly worthwhile. More than leading to improvements, it helps you understand your business — by taking out the guesswork and replacing it with scientific method. CRO bridges marketing and technology CRO emerged when marketers got weary […]

  • Optimizing Promo Funnels Under Tight Deadlines: A CRO Insight

    InsightWhale recently worked on a project that involved providing a client with an array of CRO services for a promo. The project led us to a number of interesting findings. We’re using this article to share some of the insights we learned with our readers. In a nutshell A long-term InsightWhale customer provides digital products and […]

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