There are some significant differences between mobile conversions and desktop conversions, beyond the type of device they take place on. For instance, mobile queries are usually seeking immediate, relevant information about a product, service, or business.

In contrast, users on desktop and laptop computers are often browsing for information and may not have an immediate intent. This means conversion rate optimization (CRO) on mobile needs to focus on speed and efficiency. 

Mobile Conversion Optimization

  1. Create Accessible Content

If you’re seeing a great disparity between your mobile vs desktop conversion rates, there’s a good chance it’s because your content is designed for desktop users. Enhancing the content experience for mobile users will make users more likely to convert.

One way to improve mobile conversion rates is to condense your content. For example, you should limit page headlines to no more than three or four words, reduce the length of articles by adding “read more” links, eliminate popups, and use features that create more whitespace, like bullet points.

All the above conversion rate optimization tips are particularly important for mobile landing page optimization. In addition, to create mobile landing pages that convert, you’ll need to ensure that all the information fits above the fold on a small screen. It should also be easy for users to take action — think large buttons and short forms.

  1. Look for Drop-off Points

Turn to your data to find out where users are dropping off the sales funnel. Conversion rate optimization tools can help you with this. Compare the data of desktop users and mobile users to find out if the problem is due to something with your website in general or if the issue is just on mobile.

  1. Grab Users’ Attention

When users are on mobile devices, distractions abound — both in the real world and from other online sources. To keep users focused on your site (and therefore to improve conversion rate optimization), you need to make your offerings stand out and encourage users to take action without delay. For instance, you could offer a limited-time-only discount, premium content, or free trial.

  1. Increase Load Speed

When a website takes too long to load, users go elsewhere. It is extra important to have a fast-loading site for mobile users — people don’t want to hit their data limit trying to view your content.

Run speed tests to find out what elements are currently slowing down your pages. You can also increase speed by ensuring that no pages contain large images and by using geolocations to identify users’ locations with ZIP codes alone.

  1. Improve Mobile Payments

It is often possible to increase mobile conversions by making simple changes to mobile payments. This involves minimizing the number of steps in the checkout process. One way to do this is to make it simpler for returning customers, whose details you already have, to complete a purchase. If possible, add a one-click reorder banner.

  1. Create a Mobile-Friendly Website

You should already have a responsive website for a variety of reasons, including that it’s a ranking factor for SEO. However, if you’ve spent any time browsing the Internet on mobile devices, you’ll know that many websites still provide a poor experience on mobile — don’t be one of them.

More than just creating a responsive design, you need to go extra steps to ensure a great user experience. Some aspects that contribute to mobile conversion optimization rate include clarity of CTAs, the use of buttons rather than linked text to make it easier to click, and internal search (with a search bar at the top of every page).

  1. Try Out Your Optimizations

Before putting any tactics for mobile conversion optimization into place, try them out on real devices with a variety of screen sizes. Conversion optimization services can help you with this.

  1. Test the Results

After your strategy is up and running, you’ll need to check analytics to see if your efforts have led to the desired results. You need to check analytics often — you’re constantly making changes to your content and any of these could impact mobile optimization. In the case you don’t see the results you expected and are unsure why, your best option is to turn to conversion rate optimization services.

Users interact with websites and content distinctly according to the device they are using. By separating your mobile CRO strategies from your traditional conversion rate marketing, you’ll see better overall results and less of a difference between mobile conversion rates vs desktop rates.