Conversion Rate Optimization

  • What is a Buyer Persona?

    Whether you are in Digital Marketing, Ecommerce, or Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) industry the term “buyer persona” comes up a lot.  What is buyer persona, how to build a buyer persona, for which tasks is it used, and how can you use it to optimize your website – find out the answer to all these […]

  • 6 Main Reasons Why Your A/B Test Fails

    Why did the A/B test fail – a common hard-to-answer question in the world of A/B testing marketing and Conversion Rate Optimization. There are numerous pitfalls to conducting an A/B test, which will result in inaccurate data, corrupted test results and overall AB test incompleteness.  To help you recognize the reasons for a failed A/B […]

  • What is Multivariate Testing?

    With Conversion Rate Optimization becoming more and more popular every quarter, the answer to the questions of “What is a/b testing?” and “What is multivariate testing (MVT)”, and what’s the difference between the two also gradually becomes more important. To help you find out what is AB testing, we’ve already created an article called What […]

  • What is the Conversion Rate? Conversion Rate Calculation Formula

    What is Conversion Rate (CR)? How to calculate your Conversion Rate? All of these questions arise when you start looking for ways to increase website sales by the means of Conversion Rate Optimization, and we are here to provide you with the answers to all of these mysteries.  First things first, let’s find out what […]

  • What is A/B Testing in Digital Marketing: CRO Best Practices

    Conversion Rate Optimization is one of the trendiest marketing terms of today, within which A/B testing is a leading tactic. The A/B testing marketing component is an essential ingredient to any digital companies success. So what is A/B testing and what are the best CRO practices to perform one – let’s find out together in […]

  • What is the difference between UI/UX and CRO?

    Let’s establish the hard truth first – marketing is flooded with acronyms. Flooded. Which means not only it is baffling to remember all the existing marketing terms, every quarter there is a portion of new ones ready to confuse us all over again! And the pitfalls of the whole situation are in the fact that […]

  • How to understand your users using HotJar?

    Soo, you have a website that receives a certain number of visitors every month. Like every good marketer or a company owner, you made a decision to increase your sales the smart way – by investing in website conversion optimization.  And since you’ve made an educated background check on a number of top CRO tools […]

  • VWO vs Convert: A/B Testing Tools Comparison

    Introduction There is a large number of tools for every occasion when it comes to the digital marketing industry of today. Even more so – when you’re looking for Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) tools that include all the testing, preview and analytics functionality you’re looking for.  To make your decision-making process easier, we chose only […]

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