
  • Comparisons: Data Visualization Types & Methods

    Data visualization is fun. It turns serious data findings and analytics research into entertaining images you can pinch, twitch and play around with. It helps companies recognize trends, form long-term business strategies and make important decisions faster, staying ahead of their competitors. And with the ever-growing variety of data visualization software so did types of […]

  • What is a Buyer Persona?

    Whether you are in Digital Marketing, Ecommerce, or Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) industry the term “buyer persona” comes up a lot.  What is buyer persona, how to build a buyer persona, for which tasks is it used, and how can you use it to optimize your website – find out the answer to all these […]

  • What is Multivariate Testing?

    With Conversion Rate Optimization becoming more and more popular every quarter, the answer to the questions of “What is a/b testing?” and “What is multivariate testing (MVT)”, and what’s the difference between the two also gradually becomes more important. To help you find out what is AB testing, we’ve already created an article called What […]

  • What is the Conversion Rate? Conversion Rate Calculation Formula

    What is Conversion Rate (CR)? How to calculate your Conversion Rate? All of these questions arise when you start looking for ways to increase website sales by the means of Conversion Rate Optimization, and we are here to provide you with the answers to all of these mysteries.  First things first, let’s find out what […]

  • Top Ways to Become a Data-Driven Company in 2020

    A data-driven company – what does that mean? Does it imply you need some special graphic charts hanging around the office, a specific number of data scientists at all times or maybe a fancy AI algorithm that determines which Game of Throne character you are without any initial interaction? With such frequent use of the […]

  • The 6 Most Basic SEO Optimization Tips You Need To Know

    In this article, we present 6 Basic SEO Tips For You To Use On Your Website that will help you attract more visitors and present more search-friendly content. To make this information easier to absorb and digest, we included a great visual by Glamy SEO Service to explain the theme deeper and even more user-friendly. […]

  • Google Analytics Setup Best Practices and Guide

    Is your business expanding, and so is your desire to get more precise insights on your customers? If so here is an article that will help your company become data-driven and a step-by-step guide on setting up Google Analytics. Go over each point and you’ll never have to deal with inaccurate, lost or duplicate data […]

  • How To Add Google Analytics to Shopify: Best Practices

    Ecommerce is taking over the world – a fact anyone can hardly argue with – taking its companion, the most popular worldwide online shopping platform Shopify with it. Shopify got so beloved by its customers due to a number of reasons. First things first, it makes the online shopping experience management quite easy. You don’t […]

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