
  • Case Study: How we increased organic web traffic and improved organic search results for

    The and their product Online store with more than thousands of dresses for women who are looking to get some fancy outfits for the special occasion. This website was built to help customers find a perfect dress within a few clicks, which became easier with the help of our advanced search optimization solutions. […]

  • 5 Top A/B Ecommerce Test Ideas

    Mindfulness in A/B testing After building and launching a great website, collecting and analyzing enough data, it’s time to launch your A/B testing campaign. And when you do, it’s important to remember one crucial rule. The main reason behind conducting an A/B testing is never about the website ecommerce testing itself. It’s about reviewing the […]

  • 5 CRO Tactics for Ecommerce Websites

    Gods of Ecommerce Trade has been considered art from the beginning of time. In fact, it was treated so crucially, that each culture had a God who was responsible for the ecommerce itself. Al-Kutba’ in Arabic culture, Ganesha in Hindu, Hermes for Greeks, Mercury for Romans, Inari Ōkami for Japanese, Yacatecuhtli for Aztec people – […]

  • Ecommerce Growth Hacking Strategies

    Ecommerce is in Bloom During the last couple of years the Ecommerce, or electronic commerce, became one of the most fast-growing businesses in the world. Ecommerce industry is expanding, and expanding fast, reaching a 23% growth mark year-over-year. Every passing day it takes up more of the retail market share now dedicated to the online […]

  • Google Analytics Solutions: Case Studies in Offline Marketing

    Tracking online user behavior is no big challenge. Google Analytics for businesses provides you with a variety of tools and reports to track and utilize online data to make improvements to your digital strategy. The difficulty comes when you want to track offline data. This can be critical for businesses of many types, particularly those […]

  • Case Study: Product Grid Analysis — Guidelines and Results

    To better understand how product grid analysis will benefit your business, we examine a case study using anonymized data from a real project. We look at ABC and XYZ analyses in greater depth, then show you how to use your own data in the process, and finally explain what results you can expect to achieve. […]

  • Product Grid Analysis Made Easy with Automated Business Intelligence

    Gain a sneak peak into how our BI solution with predictive analysis works. By combined a number of Google tools, including Google Analytics and Google BigQuery/SQL, the tool gathers all the data marketers need and puts it in one place. In the first post of the series, we look at one of the most important […]

  • Case Study: How to Increase the Conversion Rate of an Online Apparel Store

    Our client in this case study sells clothing to a worldwide audience. Before we started, he was seeing 30,000 unique daily visitors to his site — and a good number of those were converting. However, he believed that higher sales were possible. This article examines what we did, including tests, post-test analysis, and use of […]


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