Having a rich history of over 20 years, Mailchimp has shifted from being an email automation service to a full-on marketing platform. Now the answer to “how to use Mailchimp” question becomes more and more complicated, as their toolkit progressed from email campaign set up to landing page creation, social media management, digital ads tracking, content studio, domain hosting, user segmentation, behavioural targeting and even A/B and multivariate testing! 

Given the extra-long list of Mailchimp’s functions, it becomes obvious why it’s so important to connect it to the advanced (and free) analytics system we, marketers and data analysts, mostly use – Google Analytics. So in this new article, we will review Mailchimp Google Analytics integration or how to integrate Google Analytics tracking with Mailchimp – let’s begin!

How to Integrate Google Analytics tracking with Mailchimp

How to Integrate Google Analytics tracking with Mailchimp 

The bad news is, Mailchimp Google Analytics integration is not a streamlined process and will divide into a number of categories. The good news is, it’s all pretty easy, especially with our awesome step-by-step guide. 

Let’s take a look:

Mailchimp and Google Analytics authorization 

Mailchimp Google Analytics integration starts with authorizing their connection. Almost if we were crowning Mailchimp and Google Analytics integration before bringing wedding to the official courthouse. 

To begin Google Analytics Mailchimp integration, go to your Mailchimp account > Integrations > Google: Analytics, Contacts and Docs > Authorize Connection > Allow.

Mailchimp and Google Analytics authorization 

Mailchimp email campaign and Google Analytics tracking

To enable Google Analytics tracking for a typical Mailchimp email campaign, start by creating a new regular email campaign, which you can do by following a link here. After you are done, go to Campaign Builder > Settings & Tracking > Google Analytics link tracking > Save.

After enabling Mailchimp email campaign tracking by Google Analytics, you’ll see an email campaign title which will combine campaign date, and will be displayed in your Google Analytics dashboard for easier searching.   

Create different Mailchimp titles for automation series

Why would we do that, you’d ask. Well, because without implementing this step, all your emails in an automation series in your Google Analytics account will have the exact same title. Bunkers, right? 

Let’s fix it by giving different titles to each of the emails in an automation series. To accomplish this Mailchimp Google integration steps, go to your automation > Emails > choose an email > Setup > type in a new title. 

After you’ve done said steps for one email in the series, repeat the same for the rest of them – they all deserve your love and attention ❤️ 

Create different Mailchimp titles for automation series

Google Analytics tracking and Mailchimp automated workflow

Mailchimp Google Analytics tracking sounds like a serious business. It’s not. To make it happen all you have to do is go to your automation > Emails > Edit Settings > Google Analytics link tracking > Update Settings. 

The results of your updated workflows can be found in both your Google Analytics account and Mailchimp reports. Under Google Analytic’s medium category you’ll see something like this: “new workflow name” / email.

Google Analytics tracking and Mailchimp A/B testing 

Mailchimp Google Analytics goal tracking can set up super-easily (yep, that’s a word now). All you have to do is create a new A/B Testing Campaign, by following the instructions under the link here, then go to your automation > Setup > Tracking > Google Analytics link tracking. Almost done!

Google Analytics tracking and Mailchimp A/B testing 

Now, you see, each Mailchimp campaign combination will have a unique ID. Before sending them places, create a doc where you note these unique fabulous IDs in order to remember which Google Analytics title matches which campaign combination. 

Here’s a Mailchimp Google Analytics integration tutorial on how to find these IDs:

Create campaign variations >  Content Builder > Design > Preview and Test > Enter Preview Mode > look for the unsubscribe link in your campaign (check the footer) > right-click > copy the link address > paste the link address into your doc > search for what comes after the “c=” > save this value along with the combination’s title. 

This kind of long but super-necessary step will, later on, help you figure out what goes where in your Google Analytics dashboard. Now, the last step – viewing your Google Analytics data in Mailchimp. And you’re done! 

View Google Analytics tracking and Mailchimp A/B testing 

Mailchimp Google Analytics integration ends with one final step – viewing all of your collected statistics. They will be displayed in both your Google Analytics account and in your Mailchimp campaign report under the Analytics360 section. To access is, go to your Mailchimp account > Reports > View report > Analytics360

Need more Mailchimp insights?
Contact InsightWhale and we’ll set up all the data analytics for you 😉

Just so you know, the numbers displayed in this Mailchimp Google integration position only related to those users who ended up on your website through an email campaign link.

If you already know that but still don’t see all the numbers in your Mailchimp dashboard, just give it some time – it’s still processing and will soon appear in your Mailchimp campaign report.


Yay! You’ve connected Google Analytics to Mailchimp – that is quite awesome. Now you can view your company’s data with ease between two of your data analytics platforms.

And as always, when you need help in setting up any of Mailchimp’s or Google Analytic’s parts – give us a call or a warm-warm message –  we like tender gestures 🌸